PhD's 84 to 86 of CIIT
Mr. Waqas Ashraf, a PhD Scholar of Mathematics at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology has qualified for the award of degree “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”.

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Dr. Waqas Ashraf is the 84th PhD of the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology.

List of all PhD's produced by CIIT
Mr. Syed Muhammad Imran, a PhD Scholar of Mathematics at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology has qualified for the award of degree “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”

For further details

Dr. Syed MuhammadI mran is the 85th PhD of the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology.

List of all PhD's produced by CIIT
Mr. Kamran Yousaf, a PhD Scholar of Mathematicss at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology has qualified for the award of degree “Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics”

For further details

Dr. Kamran Yousaf is the 86th PhD of the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology.

List of all PhD's produced by CIIT