The Directorate of Planning, Development and Human Resource Development (‘P, D & HRD’ or ‘the Directorate’ hereafter used interchangeably), functioning as the central executive arm and primary coordinating office of the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), is keenly attuned to the vital need for continuous funding.

The critical mandate bestowed upon the Directorate is a testament to its pivotal role in orchestrating the seamless coordination with campuses. The dedicated team is fervently engaged in not only discerning the developmental needs of these campuses but also in strategically assigning priorities that pave the way for unparalleled growth. Furthermore, the Directorate actively collaborates with esteemed organizations both nationally and internationally, transcending boundaries to fortify academic and research programs.

Under the astute leadership of the Director (P, D and HRD), the team stands at the forefront, championing initiatives that transcend conventional boundaries. Since the establishment of CUI, the Directorate of P, D & HRD has actively pursued and secured approval for a diverse portfolio comprising 54 development projects, amounting to Rs. 19.8 billion. These projects received approval from various sponsoring bodies, including the Higher Education Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Women Development, and the Government of Punjab. Notably, forty (40) development projects with a total value of Rs. 9.4 billion have been successfully executed, underscoring the effective implementation of the Directorate's initiatives.

Presently, the operational landscape is efficiently being managed by the following specialized functional units*[1]. Each unit is a beacon of expertise, collectively contributing to the overarching success of endeavors. In the Directorate of P, D and HRD, we don't just coordinate; we cultivate, innovate, and lead the charge towards a future defined by academic brilliance and unwavering commitment to progress.

* The use of word "unit" is made to denote an informal entity. Colleagues working in one functional unit/entity transcend and render services across multiple functional units/entities simultaneously.

  1. Planning and Development Unit
  2. Project Implementation Unit
  3. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Unit
  4. Human Resource Development and Scholarship Management Unit
  5. Knowledge Dissemination and Institutional Building Unit
  6. Inter Islamic Network on Information Technology (INIT)
  7. Executive Training/Technical Staff Function & Academia Industry Linkage

The Directorate of P, D and HRD has played a significant role in the evolution of CUI, actively contributing to its growth from a modest University to a comprehensive, multi-campus university. Gratefully, the University has achieved recognition as one of the top five universities in Pakistan. Below, are details outlining the roles, responsibilities, and noteworthy accomplishments of various functional units within the Directorate of P, D and HRD.

  1. Planning and Development Unit

Roles and Responsibilities

The Planning and Development Unit, is serving as the foundational pillar that orchestrates the comprehensive growth of all CUI campuses. Tasked with a pivotal role, it meticulously assesses the infrastructural needs, formulates strategic plans to address these requirements, and crafts development projects. The P&D Unit actively engages in seamless collaboration within CUI and beyond, navigating the intricate process of securing approvals for development projects from diverse forums. Beyond this, it adeptly manages the University's allocation within the Public Sector Development Program (PSDP), meticulously crafting cash plans and work plans. The unit further excels in the preparation/ revision of Project Concept (PC-Is), diligently follows up after submission of the project to the sponsoring forum. Subsequent to the implementation of the project, the P&D Unit is responsible for preparing and submitting Project Concept-IV (PC-IV) and Project Concept-V (PC-V) to the sponsoring forum. It remains steadfast in its commitment, ensuring attentiveness to supervisory bodies' visitations and consistently upholding excellence in the pursuit of CUI's developmental objectives.


The Planning and Development (P&D) Unit has prepared over 200 project proposals which have been/ are under different stages of approval, implementation and preparation. Since the establishment of CUI, the P&D Unit has actively pursued and secured approval for a diverse portfolio comprising 54 development projects, amounting to Rs. 19.8 billion. These projects received approval from various sponsoring bodies, including the Higher Education Commission, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Women Development, and the Government of Punjab. Notably, forty (40) development projects with a total value of Rs. 9.4 billion have been successfully executed. Presently, two (2) development projects of around Rs. 1.000 billion, are under implementation.

Since the Year 2021, eleven (11) development projects, collectively valued at around Rs. 8 billion, stand approved by the esteemed forums viz. CDWP and DDWP. This also includes four (4) projects, valued around Rs. 200 million approved by the Government of Punjab in the Year 2022; mustering developmental financial support from the Provincial Government is a ‘First’, in CUI’s history around two and half decades.

Moreover, seven development project proposals, encompassing a financial outlay exceeding Rs. 15 billion, have been formally submitted for approval. These proposals have been submitted at various sponsoring entities, primarily the Government of Pakistan, with the aim of securing the necessary endorsements and support for their successful implementation.

In light of the formidable challenges and the limited financial backing from the Government of Pakistan, the P&D Unit has been unwaveringly dedicated to vigorously seeking developmental financial assistance. Its efforts extend beyond the boundaries of governmental support, as it actively explores opportunities from diverse funding channels to strengthen CUI's standing in the academic realm. This initiative involves the submission of various funding proposals to renowned international sponsoring forums, including but not limited to USAID, JICA, KOICA, IDB, DFID, and China. These endeavors are conducted in collaboration with the Higher Education Commission and the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan, aiming to diversify and enhance the financial support for the university's development.

  1. Project Implementation Unit

Roles and Responsibilities

The Project Implementation Unit is directly involved in implementation of the development projects approved for CUI from different funding agencies. This unit directly takes up the initiation of projects. The unit's main activities include preparation of project management framework, building project teams, coordination for prioritization, preparation of tender documents, award of work, detailed supervision of execution of works, processing of bills and adopting corrective measures as and when needed and reposting progress to the supervisory bodies, etc. Some of the prominent initiatives of the Implementation Unit include the following:


The Project Implementation Unit is coordinating and facilitating the implementation of project entitled "Establishment of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Abbottabad Campus, Dhamtore to Rs. 861.269 million. Main components of the project include construction of civil works, Furniture and Fixtures, purchase of Teaching Lab/ IT/ Office equipment, purchase of books and journal and operational Vehicles.

  1. Project implemented through Public Private Partnership
    1. Establishment of Student Service Center on BOT Basis at CUI, Islamabad Campus

      The CUI being a public sector university recognizes the importance of improving and expanding infrastructure for better service delivery to its students. In this backdrop need was felt that the CUI, Islamabad Campus requires a fully functional Student Service Center (SSC). consisting of Cafeterias for faculty and students, tuck shops, photocopy corners, etc. along with some office space to cater student related affairs.

      The SSC having covered area 35,000 sft has been constructed on Built Operate and Transfer basis for concession period of 25 Years. The Concessionaire i.e., M/s Master Management shall maintain high standard of services delivery during the concession period.  The SSC consists of cafeterias for faculty and students, tuck shops, photocopy corners, etc. along with some office space to cater student related affairs. The property will be handed over to COMSATS University Islamabad in good order upon completion of the concession period.

    2. Establishment of Student Service Center on BOT Basis at CUI, Lahore Campus

      The SSC having covered area 2,132 sft has been constructed on Built Operate and Transfer basis for concession period of 15 Years. The Concessionaire i.e., M/s Mahmood and Sons shall maintain high standard of services delivery during the concession period. The property will be handed over to COMSATS University Islamabad in good order upon completion of the concession period.

  1. Achieving Net Zero Carbon by Green Energy

    The CUI being a public sector university is focusing towards the use of renewable energy sources. In this regard, an initiative has been taken to make CUI campuses green. To carry this initiative forward, working on solarization of CUI campuses was initiated. A pre-feasibility study was conducted to evaluate electricity consumption and determine their potential for installation of solar power generation facilities.

    1. 100 Kw Solar Power Plant Installed at CUI, Islamabad

      100 KW solar power plant is installed at rooftop of Academic Block-I, CUI, Islamabad Campus. It is green field project. The per kWh CO2 emission by Thermal Power Plant is 0.6 kg. The total units produced till Feb. 29, 2024 by this plant are 656,799 kWh. This means that this Solar Power Plant has saved 394 tons of CO2 emission since its commissioning. Furthermore, one grown tree roughly absorbs 24 kg of CO2 annually. Thus, the CO2 emissions saved by this Power Plant are equal to 16,420 full grown trees.

    2. 300 kW Solar Power Generation Facility Installed at CUI, Sahiwal Campus

      300 KW Solar Power Generation Facility is Installed at CUI, Sahiwal Campus. It is green field project. The commissioning date of project is April 14, 2022. The per kWh CO2 emission by Thermal Powe Plant is 0.6 kg. The total units produced till Mar. 15, 2024 by this facility are 563,127 KWh. This means that this Solar Power Plant has saved 337 tons of CO2 emission since its commissioning. Furthermore, one grown tree absorbs roughly 24 kg of CO2 annually. Thus, the CO2 emissions saved by this Power Plant are equal to 14,078 full grown trees.

    3. 400 kW Solar Power Generation Facility Installed at CUI, Vehari Campus

      Construction of 400 KW Solar Power Generation Facility at CUI, Vehari Campus is at completion stage. The expected production of this facility will be 584,000 kWh in one year. This means the said facility will save 350 tons which is equal to 14,600 full grown trees.

    4. 850 KW Solar Power Generation Facility at CUI, Islamabad Campus

      Establishment of 850 kW Solar Power Generation Facility at CUI, Islamabad Campus is under process. The agreement has been signed. The expected project completion period is 1 Year. The expected production of this facility will be 1,122,000 KW in one year. This means the said facility will save 673 tons which is equal to the 25,050 full grown trees.

    5. 400 KW Solar Power Generation Facility at CUI, Wah Campus

      Establishment of 400 KW Solar Power Generation Facility at CUI, Wah Campus is under process. The project is in agreement phase. The expected project completion period is 1 Year. The expected production of this facility will be 500,000 KWh in one year. This means the said facility will save 300 tons which is equal to the 12,500 full grown trees.

  1. Project Monitoring and Evaluation Unit

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Monitoring and Evaluation Unit has the role of coordinating, facilitating and managing monitoring and evaluation of the development projects. This unit plays a catalytic role in building confidence between CUI project implementation teams and the Govt sponsoring agencies. All the development projects are monitored right after the issuance of administrative approval till completion and submission of PC-IV.  It has the major functions of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of PSDP funded development projects. This includes onsite monitoring visits, desk reviews, regular and special reviews, meetings, and preparation of reports. Progress reporting and follow-up to streamline execution are also key tasks of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit. Additionally, it involves progress review and financial requirement assessment, along with quarterly release planning. Advice solicitation and facilitation on re-appropriation, time, scope, and cost revision are provided with constant guidance and support to the campuses.

Furthermore, it involves the collection of Project Completion Reports (PC-IV) and their submission to the Ministry of Science & Technology (MoST) and the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Consolidation of the overall PSDP portfolio in various areas of development such as Civil Works, HRD, and Lab Facilities, and updating databases on progress on a regular basis are also part of the responsibilities. Finally, reporting on the progress to MoST, HEC, AGPR, etc., is crucial.


The Project Monitoring and Evaluation Unit is taking care of the monitoring and evaluation issues of 40 completed projects and 2 ongoing projects of CUI. The unit produces, coordinates and facilitates the release of development grants by producing more that 300 reports issued monthly and over 190 reports issued quarterly besides collation, collection and compilation of data/documents relating to project management, bank statements, periodic progress reports, coordination for site visits, and informal Internal Auditing, etc.

  1. Human Resource Development and Scholarship Management Unit

Roles and Responsibilities

Investing in human resources, more precisely in the faculty and staff under the Human Resource Development (HRD) Program has been a flagship initiative at the COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI). The CUI is running one of the largest HRD Programs among the public and private sector universities in Pakistan second only to the one run by Higher Education Commission (HEC). The Directorate of Planning, Development and Human Resource Development (P, D and HRD) has been entrusted with the responsibility to administer the CUI HRD Program. Under auspices of the HRD Program, CUI has invested generously in human resource development and provided opportunities to its faculty in universities abroad to pursue MS and PhD level studies.


During the preceding decade and a half, over three hundred and sixty (360) fully funded scholarships have been awarded to the faculty/staff to allow them pursuing studies in high-ranking universities of the world. The said scholarships were awarded from nine government funded developmental projects administered by the CUI. Among them nearly 160 MS and over 200 PhD scholars have successfully completed studies. These scholarships were awarded through meritorious criteria, open to candidates already serving or willing to serve CUI upon completion of studies.

Complementing its own investment in HRD program, faculty/staff are encouraged to secure scholarship funding from alternate sources. Necessary facilitation is provided to the faculty/staff, including but not limited to, granting them ex-Pakistan leave. Alternate sources include those arranged under institutional arrangements agreed between the CUI and other universities and funding agencies such as Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, Fulbright, Commonwealth Scholarships, scholarships offered by universities abroad, and so forth. Until Mar. 2024, the cohort benefiting from such facilitation comprises of over 750 scholars. Among them, nearly 350 of them have completed their studies while over 400 scholars are pursuing their studies abroad and are likely to join back in the next few years’ time.

As part of preparing candidates to be able to compete for the overseas scholarships, the Directorate of P, D and HRD initiated a program entitled, “Information Seminars for Higher Studies Abroad” in 2016. Under the program a series of information & motivational seminars/meetings are conducted for the prospective candidates. Since its inception in 2016, over 80 such events have been organized. During the last three years nearly 20 such events have been organized.

The Directorate of P, D & HRD successfully administered nine government funded developmental projects containing the HRD component, under which 365 scholarships were awarded as referred above during the preceding two decades with a financial outlay of around one billion rupees (including 95% of the total amount in foreign exchange). Getting quality education, exposure to cutting-edge research, prospects of strengthening linkages with universities abroad and the scholars taking up productive work immediately upon their return remain the guiding principles of the HRD Program. The efforts have paid dividends. Today, CUI proudly boasts of having an excellent intellectual ensemble of around 1100 PhDs in its faculty/staff corps.

The HRD Program of the CUI has turned out as a nationally acclaimed Program which has successfully played a vital role in the overall development of the University and in enhancing its research ranking. Looking at the numbers of those who still need to upgrade their technical academic qualification, the Directorate of P, D and HRD understands that there still appears an opportunity to venture more through expanding HRD plans/activities.

  1. Knowledge Dissemination and Institutional Building Unit

Roles and Responsibilities

The Knowledge Dissemination and Institutional Building Unit operates within the Directorate of Planning, Development, and Human Resource Development with a mission to foster the exchange of valuable insights and expertise. At the core of its mandate lies the commitment to disseminate knowledge effectively across diverse channels, empowering stakeholders with the latest advancements and best practices. Through strategic collaborations and innovative methodologies, the unit endeavors to cultivate a culture of continuous learning and capacity building within the organization and beyond. By nurturing robust institutional frameworks and promoting a dynamic knowledge-sharing ecosystem, it aims to drive sustainable development and enhance the collective impact of initiatives aimed at human resource development and socio-economic progress.

Its role revolves around convening national and international conferences, workshops, seminars and consultative forums. It also manages the publication of proceedings and promotional materials of these events, etc. The unit manages such events right from conceiving the idea, securing finances, taking up logistics work, preparing and dissemination of promotional material, issuing call for papers, getting through the review process, arranging travel and stay of scholars to actually convening the event and publication of proceedings. In convening such events, the P&D Directorate not only provided facilitation for convening such events per se but as well-set benchmarks, standards and in fact institutionalized making of such arrangements which ultimately lead to convening many more events of similar nature by other functional groups within CUI.


The Knowledge Dissemination and Institutional Building Unit has successfully convened many international events which projected the image of CUI on national and international level. The events include 1st and 2nd International Conferences on Frontiers of Information Technology (1st FIT & 2nd FIT), International Conferences on Contemporary Issues in IT in OIC Member States, International Workshop on Technology Based Development: Strategies and Options for Pakistan, and International Conference on Integration of IT in Science Education, Webinars, etc.

Furthermore, the The Knowledge Dissemination and Institutional Building Unit has successfully convened 5 Vice Chancellor’s Forum that were jointly organized by Higher Education Commission (HEC), COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Ministry of Science and Technology, Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO), Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training and British Council, Pakistan.  It is worth mentioning that each Forum witnessed the active participation of over 300 Vice Chancellors from across the country accompanied by esteemed delegates from OIC countries, underscoring the global significance and impact of the Forum.

  1. Inter Islamic Network on Information Technology (INIT)

Roles and Responsibilities

The Inter Islamic Network on Information Technology (INIT) was established pursuant to the resolution approved in the 10th General Assembly Meeting of the OIC Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) held on February 16-18, 2002, Islamabad, Pakistan. Government of Pakistan is the ‘Government’ and the COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad is the ‘Institution’ host’ to the INIT. The INIT is established for utilizing, directing and encouraging the use of Information Technology and associated systems in promoting collaboration and cooperation among member states. This is achieved through building human resources and institutional capacity through fostering dialogue, maintaining databanks, assisting in training, research and development, dissemination of information, automating the governmental and business processes through the mediation of ICTs and provides appropriate means therefor.


To achieve its objectives, the INIT has devised multiple programs and has initiated, convened and supported a number of activities under these programs. The INIT promoted cooperation, encouraged dialogue, facilitated dissemination of scholarly work and exchange of ideas under the aegis of following programs:

  1. Developing Institutional Linkages and Promoting Collaboration and Cooperation Among OIC Members States;
  2. Technical Assistance in Establishing I.T. Institutions in OIC Member States;
  3. Promoting Diffusion of ICTs and Associated Systems in OIC Member States; and
  4. Technical Human Resource Development and Institutional Capacity Building in OIC Member States.

The INIT has convened, supported and organized numerous trainings, workshops and conferences on some of the contemporary and emerging issues including learning, utilization and diffusion of ICTs in academia, promotion of the use of ICTs in government, trade, industry, homes, agriculture, health and other sectors of economy developing extensive pool of academically and technically skilled IT manpower in the OIC member states, and so forth. The outreach of these activities is spread over a vast geographical area of Islamic world including countries from South Asia, East Asia, Central Asia, Middle East and East Africa, West Africa, North Africa and Central Europe. These events gardened participation from national and international organizations hailing from wide range of fields including academia, telecom, science, information technology, defense, research, private businesses and non-government originations (NGOs).

Over the years, INIT has successfully achieved its objectives and emerged as one of the three most successful networks of COMSTECH. During the last seven years i.e. June 2016 – December 2023, INIT has convened 36 events including Training Workshops, Conferences/Consultative Workshops, Collaborations/Consultative meetings, Roadshows and Webinars. These activities were very warmly received and acknowledged by delegates comprised of eminent academicians, scientists, researchers, scholars and experts from 48 countries including 34 OIC member states representing about 270 institutions.

Further information regarding activities exhibiting detailed programs and other proceedings can be accessed at the INIT website (

  1. Executive Training/Technical Staff Function & Academia Industry Linkage

Roles and Responsibilities

The Directorate of P, D and HRD also works as an Executive Training Centre of CUI under which different project management and program management trainings are convened for the academia, Government and corporate sector. The Directorate has the role of providing assistance to the Rector CUI in his capacity as technical representative in various assignments of national and international importance. Furthermore, it actively undertakes tangible activities for promotion of academia industry linkages.


There are multiple sessions of project management, program management and other trainings convened regularly. Besides trainings, the convening of such sessions have provided an opportunity for exchange of professional experiences for the participants, as well as added to the image of CUI as a quality University fulfilling its CSR. The collegial fraternity coming from academia, government, corporate world, etc. contributes to the propagation of good name for CUI. The Directorate provides extensive support to the Rector and other forums of CUI in performing staff functions, assistance on issues where the Rector/the University is represented at various national fora. One of the significant contributions under this function relates to the Directorate's facilitation and lead in formalizing the University's linkages with industry. Some of the more notable agreements signed under auspices of this function include those with NCR, Intel, Microsoft, Huawei Technologies etc. Over Rs. 300 Million worth of technical assistance/equipment has been made available to CUI under the ambit of such arrangements.

S. No. Name Designation Contact Details
Email Phone


Dr. Tahir Naeem


+92 51 9049-5169


Azeem Mukhtar

General Manager

+92 51 9049-5210


Robina Dildar Bhatti

Additional Director

+92 51 9049-5130


Aamir Hassan Khan Yousufzai

Senior Manager

(On Leave)

(On Leave)


Muhammad Attiq-ur-Rehman

Senior Manager

+92 51 9049-5024


Tanveer Hussain

Senior Manager

+92 51 9049-5191


Kashif Attiq

Senior Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5023


Ayyaz Mahmood

Assistant Professor

+92 51 9049-5190


Kamran Ahmad Khan

Senior Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5216


Mubashir Ahmed

Senior Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5180


Muhammad Ali

Senior Program Officer

(On Leave)

(On Leave)


Faisal Rasheed Minhas

Senior Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5095


Muhammad Atif Khan

Assistant Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5292


Sheema Mehkar

Assistant Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5209


Engr. Muhammad Hussain

Assistant Manager (INIT)

+92 51 9049-5025


Sidra Safdar

Assistant Manager (INIT)

+92 51 9049-5211


Asghar Nawaz

Assistant Program Officer

+92 51 9049-5489


Muhammad Javed

Coordination Officer

+92 51 9049-5055


Karamat Rehman Abbasi

Senior Admin. Assistant

+92 51 9049-5378


Asghar Mukhtar Khan

Personal Secretary

+92 51 9049-5100


Yasir Ikram

Senior Admin. Assistant

+92 51 9049-5459


Irfan Siddiquee

Senior Admin. Assistant



Shagufta Kanwal

Office Assistant

+92 51 9049-5322


Atif Hussain

Office Assistant

+92 51 9049-5022


Muhammad Kazam Raza

Office Assistant



Muhammad Anwar


+92 51 9049-5564

For Further Information
Please contact

Mr. Kamran Ahmad Khan
Senior Program Officer (P, D and HRD)
Contact: +92 51 9049 5216