Message by the Rector

Dear students and faculty,

I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to you to COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), a hub of innovation, learning, and academic excellence. As the Rector of this esteemed institution comprising of seven campuses in Pakistan, it is my privilege to invite you to join CUI, where knowledge knows no bounds, and possibilities are limitless.

At COMSATS University, we take pride in fostering an environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and a passion for lifelong learning. Our commitment to academic rigor is complemented by a dedication to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are not only equipped with technical skills but also possess a strong sense of ethics and social responsibility.

As you navigate through our website, you will discover a wealth of information about our diverse academic programs, cutting-edge research initiatives, and the vibrant student life at our lush green campuses defines the COMSATS’ experience. Whether you are a prospective student, a current member of the academic community, or a visitor seeking insight into our institution, we hope that you find the information you seek and that it sparks your curiosity to explore further.

COMSATS University Islamabad is more than just an academic institution; it is a community of scholars, learners, and professionals dedicated to making a positive impact on society. Our commitment to excellence extends beyond the classroom, with a focus on instilling values that prepare our graduates to face the challenges of the modern world with confidence and resilience.

We are also deeply committed to inculcate in our graduates the essential skills and professional talent that helps them to meet the needs of the fourth industrial revolution as well as impart industry and market relevant education which is globally recognized.

As you embark on your journey with COMSATS University Islamabad, I encourage you to embrace every opportunity for growth and discovery. Our faculty, staff, and administration are here to support you in realizing your academic and personal goals. I am sure you will be overwhelmed by the achievements, faculty and infrastructure of CUI and give us your valuable feedback which will help us build true professionals and global leaders in thinking.

Thank you for choosing COMSATS University as your educational partner. Together, let us build a future that is shaped by knowledge, innovation, and a shared commitment to making a difference.

I pray to Almighty Allah for assistance in our future endeavours and look forward to glorious achievements in the times to come.


Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar

Rector's Office

Rector Office Functions

By virtue of the COMSATS University Islamabad Act 2018, the Rector is the Chief Executive Officer of the University and is responsible for all the administrative and academic functions of the University and for ensuring that the provisions of the Act, Statutes, Regulations and Rules are faithfully observed in order to promote the general efficiency and good order of the university. The Rector has all the powers prescribed for this purpose, including administrative control over the officers, teachers and other employees of the University. The Rector is entitled to attend any meeting of any authority or body of the University.

Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar

Prof. Dr. Sajid Qamar




General Manager



Staff Officer



Personal Secretary to the Rector

  • The Rector can direct teachers, officers and other employees of the Institute to take up such assignments in connection with teaching, research examination, administration and such other activities in the institute, as he may consider necessary for the purposes of the institute.
  • The Rector can sanction budgeted amounts for the specified purposes.
  • The Rector can re-appropriate budgetary amounts for unforeseen items not provided for in the budget.
  • The Rector can make appointments of such categories of employees of the Institute and in such manner as may be prescribed by Statutes.
  • The Rector can suspend, punish and remove, in accordance with prescribed procedure, from service officers, teachers and other employees of the Institute.
  • The Rector can delegate, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed, any of his powers to an officer or officers of the Institute.
  • The Rector can exercise and perform such other powers and functions, as may be prescribed including powers and functions incidental or ancillary to the powers and functions specified here.