Functions of Treasurer Office

Resource Generation

  1. To manage the assets, liabilities, receipts, expenditures, grants, funds and investment of the Institutes including opening, maintaining and closing of bank accounts for various purposes.
  2. To provide advisory services to the Rector and other officers of the Institute on matters relating to finance and accounts.
  3. To make and / or arrange payments within the amount sanctioned by the concerned Competent Authority.
  4. To determine mode and time of payments and transfer of funds.
  5. To arrange prudent financial management of the Institute’s fund.
  6. To help the Finance & Planning Committee (F&PC) in order to:
    1. Consider annual statement of accounts and revised Budget Estimates and advice the Board, thereon.
    2. Review periodically the financial positions of the institute.
    3. Advise the board on all matters relating to planning, development, finance, investment and accounts of the institute.
    4. Prepare short term and long term development plans.
    5. Prepare resources development plans.
    6. Perform such other functions as may be proposed / desired by the F&PC.

Internal Control

  1. Prepare the annual and revised Budget Estimates of the Institute and present them to the Finance & Planning Committee (F&PC) and the Board of Governors (BoG).
  2. To ensure that the funds of the Institute are expended for the purposes for which they are provided.
  3. To sign the annual accounts of the Institute jointly with the Rector.
  4. To propose and prescribe the format of accounts to be maintained by CUI in conformity with the requirements of HEC / Government Auditors and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.


To have the accounts audited by the Statutory / Commercial, as well as, Government Auditors, as the case may be, and submit the report to the BoG with such annotations as may be required.

Financial Reporting

To provide to the Rector, F&PC and BoG with required information on financial matters and to bring to the notice of the Rector any infringements of the provisions of CUI Ordinance, Statutes and Rules on financial matters and to ensure that the decision of the BoG, the Rector and / or other statutory authorities of the Institute as, communicated to him, are given proper effect.

The Team
Mr. Muhammad Azam
Designation: Treasurer
Fellow Member of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan
Associate Member of Chartered Secretaries of Pakistan
Associate Member of Public Finance Accountants of Pakistan
Phone: 051-90495078
Dr. Muhammad Naeem Akhtar
Designation: Deputy Treasurer
Ph.D. (Finance)
Phone: 051-90495470
Mr. Shiraz Khan
Designation: Deputy Treasurer
Masters in Business Administration (Finance)
Phone: 051-90495164
Mr. Muhammad Qasim
Designation: Senior Program Officer
Masters in Business Administration (Finance)
Masters in Computer Science
Phone: 051-9049-5060
Mr. Sajjad Hussain
Designation: Assistant Treasurer
Masters in Business Administration (Finance)
Phone: 051-90495167